Stopping Ticks

DEET, showers, and tick checks can stop ticks. Reduce your chances of getting a tickborne disease by using repellents, checking for ticks, and showering after being outdoors. If you have a tick bite followed by a fever or rash, seek medical attention. Gardening, camping, hiking, and playing outdoors – when enjoying these activities, don’t forget to…

Food Allergies

Having food allergies is not fun and can be very frustrating for children and parents. What are food allergies? Food allergies are when a child eats a food that makes them sick, usually every time. How do you know if your child might have a food allergy? Swelling to lips, tongue and mouth Vomiting or…

Seasonal Allergies

It can be difficult to tell the difference between a cold and seasonal allergies, even for your doctor. This is because many of the symptoms are the same: Cough Sneezing Runny nose Sore throat Headache However, there are some symptoms that are more common for a cold: fever and body aches. Usually allergies are worse…