Asthma is a condition that affects a persons breathing. What causes asthma? Asthma can run in families.
Author: watson
Pee and poop in newborns
How many wet diapers should a newborn have? Usually 5-7 wet diapers a day and 3-4 poop diapers. Most babies will pee or poop after feeding. If they don’t, not to worry. Some babies can go a few days without pooping and this can still be normal.
Newborn Weight Loss
Is it normal for a newborn to lose weight after they are born? Yes, during the first week of life a baby can lose up to 10% of their weight. Usually this is nothing to worry about.
Safe In The Sun - Sunscreen
Do you love being outside in the sun? It feels great to be outside but we want you to be safe. With all the sunscreen out there, how do you know how to choose the right one for your children?
Food Allergies
Having food allergies is not fun and can be very frustrating for children and parents. What are food allergies? Food allergies are when a child eats a food that makes them sick, usually every time. How do you know if your child might have a food allergy? Swelling to lips, tongue and mouth Vomiting or…
Seasonal Allergies
It can be difficult to tell the difference between a cold and seasonal allergies, even for your doctor. This is because many of the symptoms are the same: Cough Sneezing Runny nose Sore throat Headache However, there are some symptoms that are more common for a cold: fever and body aches. Usually allergies are worse…
West Nile
Anyone who spends a lot of time outside is more at risk of getting exposed to mosquitoes and now West Nile virus. West Nile virus is spread by mosquitos. Most of the time it is spread by getting bit by a mosquito, but it can also be spread by blood. For example, transfusions, transplants or…