How many wet diapers should a newborn have? Usually 5-7 wet diapers a day and 3-4 poop diapers. Most babies will pee or poop after feeding. If they don’t, not to worry. Some babies can go a few days without pooping and this can still be normal.
Category: Newborn Videos
by watson 0 comments Tags: baby’s weight, lose weight, Newborn, weight checks., weight loss, well child exams
Newborn Weight Loss
Is it normal for a newborn to lose weight after they are born? Yes, during the first week of life a baby can lose up to 10% of their weight. Usually this is nothing to worry about.
Fever in Newborns
What is considered a fever in a newborn? A newborn is considered less than 6 weeks old. A fever is when the temperature is over 100.4 How do you tell if your baby has a fever? 1st you have to check it. Only check their temperature if you have a reason to. And don’t check it everyday.…