
Fever in Newborns

What is considered a fever in a newborn? A newborn is considered less than 6 weeks old. A fever is when the temperature is over 100.4 How do you tell if your baby has a fever? 1st you have to check it. Only check their temperature if you have a reason to. And don’t check it everyday.…

Cell Phones & Driving

CLICK ON IMAGE TO LEARN MORE In recent years, California has adopted several laws pertaining to the operation of a motor vehicle while using wireless communication devices. The Wireless Communications Device Law states NO DRIVER in California may write, send, or read text messages while behind the wheel. Drivers MAY utilize a “hands-free device” UNLESS they…


Bonesy, Did you know that half your body weight is just water? Another pretty amazing fact is that your brain knows when your body is thirsty. This is really important if it is very hot outside or you are exercising. We need to listen to our bodies and drink to thirst. Your urine tells you a lot about your…


Teenage acne can be embarrassing. If you are looking to treat acne with over the counter products here are some tips: Wash your face at least twice daily and after exercise or working outside as sweat and dirt can clog pores. Use a daily moisturizer and wear sunscreen Try over the counter acne prodcuts. Look…



Can an apple a day keep the doctor away? Maybe, apples have lots of fiber and vitamins. If your child is having problems with constipation more fiber in their diet can help. aiding and even preventing constipation in some cases. Here at Mission Pediatrics, and your kids are likely to get the fiber they need. Bone Appetite!